Delete account on Facebook? Not because they exploit our private information. Whoever assumed differently? Whoever added the ability to pic a color and post words bad idea bro. Political season particularly annoying. Nobody cares if you are day 3 with the flu, the news reposts are awful. Why does everyone feel the need to post if a celebrity dies? There is no way certain people are that emotionally tied to everybody who died. Maybe one out of 50? Facebook became more than irritating. It’s just it seems for now at least you need be on it to be legit.
Instagram was always my favorite. Low on captions, just pics. Clean feed, and pleasant to look at. First it got good with stories. Then more written memes, a direct part of why I hate FB. Enough word of encouragement already. How do you know I just need to hang in there? How many times do I need to hear about Steve Jobs starting in a garage? Who are all these mediocre posers telling me how to succeed? Nobody can be liking this stuff. Sponsored posts now litter the feed. Every bad musician or self proclaimed motivation a-hole is now on more than my friends pics. Stop writing on Jim Carrey’s face. If I want to read I’ll go online.
Greedy people and evil algorithms. Why would FB buy the other, and turn it into the same thing? Because they make money the same way. If we could block all the things I dislike, they wouldn’t make any money. What idiot created the link button, so whatever you post goes to both platforms? They ruined a better fun unique platform.
Now I have 2 delete account clicks to consider.