News abuse

I have binge watched QVC for periods of time. Pure storefront capitalism at its finest. Straight up, its Agenda is they clearly want to sell you the product displayed. The daily special value is announced clearly each hour. No commercials because It IS a commercial. Can get lame when they break out ugly comfort clothing and suggest its beauty.
On the flip side, MSNBC or Fox News also have hosts that sell. The enjoyment for me is the inherent need to talk shit about others is satisfied. The desired result on QVC is for me to pick up the phone and buy. The desired result on the “news” channels is we take sides and go vote. Nightly appointments of venom injections. Lights camera action, a panel of guests made up dressed in business attire trying to get me to buy into a product. 
For the entertainment MSNBC CNN and FNC use a little more negativity.  QVC will tell me why to do away with that old battery charger. Possibly even disparaging my charging station in the process. Less entertaining, and all kinds of manors can get stale for the sober. Not that it would matter; If the masses end up hating their charger, it is a benign cancer. Nobody is gonna get drunk and hammer their friends charging station at the next get together.
While the QVC hosts are not disguised as journalists, some are kind of sexy.
If there was a brand new cable network that told the news, didn’t push an agenda, reported the light and dark of both sides, would anyone watch it? Would that channel make money if there was no side for sponsors to wire capital to fuel the fires? Who could you trust to run it? Someone with no dirt, who cannot be bought. A person of such integrity that it would suck watching.
Boring people don’t get the money. You need a crazy political agenda, and need to be able to cuss or cry live on command to get the ratings. Rachel Maddow, just sayin’. QVC next level would be smoking hot hosts comfortable talking shit about my juicing machine. Tell me all the nutrients I’m losing and how stupid I am performing difficult cleanups. Sell me baby, sell me!

What does a shrink do?

This is a damn good question. I heard that a couple of my favorite rock stars had phone Psychiatrists. Supposedly it raised their level of performance was maximized Some real rock stars. Not a politician or evangelist who get called one. Brad Pitt told GQ that he went to therapy after divorcing Angelina Jolie.

Without hesitation I bought myself a decent shrink, and he made small talk. Before long, I was yapping about myself, my parents, what I thought about people and my 50 minutes was up. Paid. Driving home, I could never figure out what he did to make me feel sharp. After several thousands of dollars in shrink visits I realized he got me to figure things out on my own, asking small questions to get me there.

Later, took a trip to the dollar store to get paper and pens. Julia Cameron wrote a book called “the Artists Way” one of her suggestions is to spend a whole lotta time getting down your thoughts. After testing it out, I discovered journaling random thoughts produced the same feeling I had whenever I was done with a shrink session. Exact? No. You get what you pay for. Think there is something to being able to look back on notes, and see who you are.

Besides the notebook bargain sessions, the difference between a notebook, a psychiatrist, and a psychologist, is that a psychiatrist can write a prescription. The notebook becomes he prescription, and a Psychologist is somewhere in between.

What’s wrong with Facebook?

People naturally came into our lives when they were meant to be there.

Then, as times changed, so did we. People naturally went their own way when our mission together was complete. We could have moved  or  endured a misunderstanding, maybe new jobs. You get the point, we would have moved on. Doesn’t matter. What? Churches or religion switched up? They hate you new lover?

It’s good.

All this means is that the season has changed. Seasons don’t always change for bad reasons, we just  can never stop them. Try. Seasons are immutable.

Facebook removed the season my friend. Guess what? Now that coworker from 20 years ago who you worked a few hours with one summer? They found you, you became “friends” and they are now a permanent part of your life.

Then it was 8 hours of Julian Jones on weekends.

Now, through the magic of FB you will see Julian now every day. More more more than you ever did before when you actually worked together. Now the reliable season stays the same. Every month and all year, until one of you die. 

Friends suggest it’s great or the only way to keep up with family. Old people love it, between Fox News and the Pioneer Woman. Facebook seems to me is nothing but a gigantic mega-dam in the river of life. I call it FB the season stopper.

Stopping seasons is unnatural after all.

Whatever happened to Cooper? Oh, I found him on FB! Now I’ve seen his family and who he married, his house, and his townhouse and apartments even the couch his buddy let him sleep on when times for rough on Throwback Thursday. Yeah, look! See all his other friends, plus his new car, and his stolen motorcycle along with that call for help post if anyone has seen it. by the way, it was a green one. Oh yeah, also that he hates Trump. At the job, I barely knew where he was from, because when it was real life I didn’t care or I would have asked.

Now we’re Facebook friends. Now, I will never stop seeing him. I didn’t even like that job.

Thank you FB for creating something more powerful than purgatory. I’ve always heard to be a good person, because Hell is forever. Prince said that’s a mighty long time. He might have been right, because this season will never end.

I won’t even mention the information gathering.

I need to go check my feed.

John Wayne

Instagram posts with #agenda21 show up each week keeping me woke. Opening hundreds of rabbit holes. The idea is all we have ever been fed is propaganda. You got to learn before its wiped. So if everything is to be questioned I am now obsessing on the Westerns of the 1950s. These appear to have been created for a reason. What? Suppose we wanted to toughen up the general public. You would glorify a man of values, who was fighting for fairness and was unafraid to fight for what was right. Were cigarettes and guns are placed in the scene for marketing reasons so long ago? Or were they simply the props considered tough by the creators? John Wayne was the best, a hero personifying everything you would ever want in a noble character. One of my favorites, I still feel disloyal questioning if his horse “Dollar” was a Trojan?

Later years came a movie making me wonder if Hollywood did too much of a good job. In 1962 Kirk Douglas starred in a depressing picture of a man too tough to cage called “Lonely Are the Brave” It is set in the age of cars and helicopters. The final scene his horse is shot, he is hauled away nameless in an ambulance, and his cowboy hat was literally washed up on the side of the road. This message seems so clear I don’t need to explain there was no effort to hide a clear message. Its, Hey tough guy, the day of the Wild West is over! How much has changed in 50 years? It begins with lots of rabbit holes and ends along the “Old Town Road”.